Corporate Landscape

Ink on paper, 2010

This ongoing series of drawings are made-up from corporate logos depicting snow-capped mountains collected from various sources. Images of natural landscape are endlessly deployed in order to sell us all manner of products from motor vehicles to cheese. These images of snow-capped mountains are used to connote, ruggedness, naturalness and immovable permanence, for beverage companies, banks, clothing brands, financial service providers, and multinational entertainment companies.
The drawings link together the individual logos to create a graphic mountain range or horizon line, a faked topography that rises and falls creating its own peaks, ravines and valleys.
The rising and falling line of the horizon is reminiscent of a graph used to plot the financial progress of a business or the stock markets, thus forming a picture of the corporate landscape.

Drawings from this series have been shown at Vane, Newcastle upon Tyne.